The Happiest And Most Successful Professionals - 8 Ways They Think Differently
In my work as a career success coach, I regularly survey thousands of professionals each year. These surveys and studies allow me a special lens into the deepest thoughts and beliefs of people who are building careers that excite and inspire them, as well as those who are despairing and disillusioned, and desperately want a change but can’t figure out how to create it. These clients and respondents communicate in many different ways about what they want most, which invariably is: more joy, ease, meaning, purpose, and control, as well as less toxicity, and earning a great living doing work that matters to them.

In these studies, I’m continually looking for new clues as to what makes professionals experience themselves as happy and successful. I’m also looking at what contributes to ongoing malaise, sadness and dissatisfaction in our careers. My recent Career Success Readiness Quiz, for instance, captured the responses of over 10,000 participants from around the world, probing what they’re doing, and not doing, to build more success, joy and reward in their work.

Several of the most powerful findings that emerged from this study were:

70% of respondents answered “NO” to this:

“I have concrete, measurable and specific short-term and long-term goals for my career, and I know where I’m taking it.”

63% answered “NO” to this:

“I have both mentors and sponsors in my life who give me important feedback and have the power and influence to open new doors for me.”

55% answered “NO” to this:

“I feel that my work is meaningful and I am making the impact I want to, in my organization, community and the world.”

43% answered “NO” to this:

“I know what I’m passionate about and what I want to focus on for my livelihood, versus what I want to keep as a hobby or outside interest.”

Having spent 18 years in a very unhappy corporate career myself, then climbing out of that rut over 10 years, I’ve gained greater awareness of what I’m doing and thinking differently now in my own career that paves the way for more success, joy and reward.

From these studies and my work with over 10,000 professionals, I’ve seen that there are eight mindsets and beliefs that separate professionals who feel happy, positive and successful, from all the rest.

One thing to note about “happiness and success” – I’m referring here to one’s internal evaluation – an internal state where the individual feels joy in pursuing his/her potential, and “successful” as one who is achieving and creating in the world what he or she deems personally significant and valuable.

These eight critical mindsets are:

“I have important talents and gifts.”

The happiest, most successful professionals understand one key thing – that they have powerful talents and abilities that are useful and important in the world. They are clear on what they love to do vs. dislike intensely, and what they’re gifted at, and they know without doubt that their unique abilities can be leveraged to earn great money and to move the needle in some key way, either to help businesses grow or individuals thrive. (If you need help identifying your special talents and abilities, take my Career Path Self-Assessment.)

“I want to (and will) find ways that I can use myself in service of others.”

Happy professionals aren’t passive spectators in life – they actively work on themselves, and hone their skills and thinking. They’re inspired and energized (not resistant) to continually finding new ways to use themselves and their gifts in service of others. That pursuit of finding meaning, and of fulfilling their highest potential, gives juice to their lives.

On the other hand, unhappy, disillusioned professionals feel “beaten up” and chewed up by their work, their colleagues, bosses and employers. They believe that what they want to do is somehow not possible for them. They often feel that the world owes them something for their talents, and can’t understand why they can’t get paid more or earn more recognition and reward for what they do (many frustrated creatives – artists, musicians, actors, etc. — feel this way). They are stuck in a victim mentality, which further perpetuates their experience of life being outside of their control.

“I know what I’m intrinsically worth, and I use that knowledge to buoy me, despite what’s presented in the moment.”

Successful professionals have a solid sense of their own intrinsic worth as a human being, despite the tough times and rough patches. Having an unflagging sense of worthiness and self-esteem is essential to leading a happy, satisfying life. If you’re constantly trying to prove your worth, competing for it, or striving to validate it, your focus is external, and you won’t be able to build a rewarding life or career on an “internal” basis. You’re simply too busy trying to make yourself believe that you are worth good things in life. (The reality is that every human being is “worthy” of joy, happiness and fulfillment, but if you don’t understand this basic principle, you can’t attain that joy.)

“People are basically helpful and kind, and will support me when I’m in need.”

Times in our world today are scary and uncertain. But successful, happy people have an underlying belief that the Universe is a benevolent one, and things will tend to work out for our highest good. Yes, of course, there are many tragedies in the world (just look at the headlines today). And there is abundant pain and suffering. But successful, positive people are very careful and highly discerning about what they choose to let in and focus on , and where they put their mental and spiritual energies so they can have the most positive and far-reaching impact. They have a strong filter that allows them to focus on what’s happening in a way that will support their highest growth, positivity and evolution, and that of others. And they believe that help is available in the world from others, whenever and wherever they need it. They operate as if it’s a reality that there’s a world of help available; therefore, they make it so.

“I know I’m not perfect, and that’s ok.”

I’ve written a great deal about the crippling phenomenon of ‘perfectionistic overfunctioning” that I learned in my therapy training, where people do more than is necessary, more than is appropriate and more than is healthy, and stress and strain to get an A+ in all of it. Happy, successful people don’t strive for perfection in everything they do. They allow themselves to be real, authentic, and vulnerable. They focus on progress, growth, and expansion, not at arriving at “perfect.” They’re ok with the concept that they have things to learn (and always will) and they have “power gaps” to close. They don’t run from their flaws or the areas where development is needed. They are energized by the journey of progress.

“I course-correct when I become negative, despairing, and lose hope.”

No one is happy every day, every minute. We all know that life delivers us blows, and pulls the rug out from under us, on a regular basis. But those who rise above and feel happy and successful don’t lose themselves in despair and pessimism. They “course-correct” and do what’s necessary to bolster their energy and their spirits. Certainly, they have times where they feel down and defeated, and perhaps even hopeless. But they are aware of how they feel, and when these episodes of disappointment and suffering hit, they take breaks, pull their perspective back to a higher vantage point, and take the time to nurture and restore themselves. They have built into their lives daily practices that help them find their center, and access hope and faith that things will turn around.

“I’m clear on what I will allow into my life, and what I will not.”

Happy, successful people have developed clear boundaries, and know without question what they will allow into their life and what they won’t. They know when to say with conviction (out loud and internally), “I no longer have tolerance for this.” And then they do something concrete about it. That includes toxic people, damaging behavior, and crushing treatment. If they have an extremely narcissistic boss, for instance, they don’t stay quiet and simply tolerate it. They move on or make a change. If they’re surrounded by people who are negative and trying to tear them down, they realize they have the choice – and the freedom – to change who they associate with, to shift what’s going on around them.

In the end, it is our beliefs and mindsets that shape our actions, and influence directly what happens to us. And our mindsets are within our control. We are not victims of our genes or our childhoods – we can change how we operate in the world. Will you be one of those people who positively impacts the world and builds a livelihood and career that inspires and elevates you? It’s in your hands.

You can see the original article here.